Grönhult wind power park - rising of power plant

The first wind turbine is now being erected at Grönhult wind farm, where a total of twelve 5.6 MW wind turbines from Vestas will be installed.


In May 2021, construction of the wind farm began. The work began with the construction of roads and then parking spaces, foundations and the internal electricity network for the wind farm, which is located in Tranemo and Gislaved's municipalities. The park, which has a total installed capacity of 67.2 MW, will be put into operation at the end of the year.

The wind turbines are transported by special vehicles from the ports in Falkenberg and Karlshamn. The vehicles are very large and long, so in order to minimise traffic disruptions the transports take place at night.

"We are delighted to have reached this crucial milestone in the construction of the Grönhult wind farm. The entire project team have worked tirelessly, alongside our contract partners to reach this point. We are confident that with the weather on our side we will be able to continue with the installation of all 12 turbines over the summer in line with our programme," says Bryan Wright, Portfolio Director at Vattenfall.


In February 2021, Grönhult was sold to the investment company TRIG, The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited. Vattenfall Vindkraft is building the park and will be responsible for the management of the wind farm during operation which means, among other things, ensuring that permits are complied with and maintaining contacts with landowners and authorities. The twelve wind turbines will be able to supply about 40,000 homes with renewable household electricity annually.

For more info


  • Location, Gislaved and Tranemo municipalities, Jönköping and Västra Götaland counties
  • Twelve wind turbines, V162-5.6 MW
  • Total installed capacity, 67.2 MW
  • Total height, 200 meters
  • Rotor diameter, 162 meters
  • Potential annual production 210 GWh, which corresponds to the annual consumption of household electricity for approximately 40,000 customers.
  • Legally enforced permit, May 2019
  • Commissioning, end of 2022
  • Regional network owner, Vattenfall Eldistribution

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