Environmental Benefits
Wind turbines generate clean energy from the wind and have a key role to play in a cleaner, greener future energy mix in the fight against climate change.Vattenfall recognises that, in order for the environmental benefits of wind farms to be maximised, wind farms need to be well designed an fully consider the environment in which they are hosted. Vattenfall is committed to developing wind farms which are designed sensitively to the local environment. In keeping with this approach the Ourack wind farm proposal was developed following detailed environmental surveys and assessments including:
- Landscape and Visual Amenity;
- Cultural Heritage and Archaeology;
- Air Quality;
- Noise and Vibration;
- Ecology and Ornithology;
- Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology
By incorporating the results of these assessments and the feedback from key consultees into the final proposal Vattenfall is confident that the Ourack wind farm proposal is of the highest standard and designed sensitively to the local environment.
If the Ourack wind farm is granted planning permission it will be constructed with an accompanying Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and a Habitat Management Plan (HMP). These management plans will use the results of the surveys undertaken along with the latest available date and feedback from consultees to ensure that the local environment around the wind farm are protected and enhanced.
In addition to the environmental surveys assessments undertaken technical assessments we also completed to ensure that the Ourack wind farm proposal could be delivered responsibly with minimised impacts on stakeholders and key business including residents and Inverness airport. These assessments included:
- Access, Traffic and Transport;
- Telecommunications;
- Aviation