Vattenfall and Microsoft pilot world’s first hourly matching (24/7) of renewable energy

Vattenfall and Microsoft have jointly developed a first-of-its-kind solution, providing customers a new level of transparency into their electricity consumption making it possible to go from year-based data to hourly based data on source of origin. The solution, 24/7 Matching, is being piloted at Vattenfall and Microsoft Headquarters in Sweden.

The new 24/7 solution is built with Microsoft Azure IoT Central platform that connects energy generation such as wind- and hydro power from Vattenfall, with data from smart meters that measure the consumption in real-time.

“We are very happy to further develop our relationship with this advanced offering. Microsoft has high renewable ambitions and this solution shows how new digital solutions and technology can be used to enable a fossil free living. The solution gives us possibilities to offer customers specific data and unique precision, that can support them in decisions, environmental efforts and communication,” says Andreas Regnell, Senior Vice President of Strategic Development at Vattenfall.

An increasing number of companies are committing to 100 percent renewable energy. Fulfilling this ambition requires a reliable way of tracking renewable electricity.

Guarantees of Origin (GOs), an electronic document that provides proof of the source of a given quantity of renewable energy, are used today. GOs matches consumption and production over a year. The new solution matches this hour by hour, keeping in line with the GO system and established frameworks for carbon reporting by cancelling GOs based on the hourly matching.

Microsoft has operated as a carbon neutral company since 2012 and is continuously increasing the amount of energy the company uses from renewable sources.

“With this new level of transparency, you can see if your commitment to 100 per cent renewable energy covers each hour of consumption. This pilot that combines Vattenfall’s energy expertise and technology from the Microsoft cloud has the potential to change the dynamics of renewable energy production and consumption to accelerate the reality of a fossil-free future for everyone", says Daniel Akenine, National Technology Officer at Microsoft Sweden.

The 24/7 matching of GOs offers several benefits:

  • Energy providers can more easily understand demands for renewable energy hour-by-hour and take action to help production meet demand. 
  • Businesses can see if their commitment to 100 percent renewable energy cover each hour of consumption and translate sourcing of renewable energy into climate impact. 
  • 24/7 matching of consumption to production drives true market demand for renewable energy.
  • The system can inspire regulatory change in how GOs and RECs are created, acquired, and retired.

More information: 
24/7 Matching (web page)
Explainer video (5 min)

For further information, please contact:
Heidi Stenström, press contact Vattenfall Nordics, +46 8 739 50 10,
Andreas Wingren, press contact Microsoft Sweden, +46 8 410 455 56,

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