Bright future for Berlin

Vattenfall subsidiary Stromnetz Berlin wins contract for another 10 years of public lighting in Berlin. 

Two images of Berlin street lighting

The lights will continue to shine in Berlin, which is a good message for the city. For Vattenfall subsidiary Stromnetz Berlin there is another good message, as the company has been entrusted with the operation, maintenance and repair of the public lighting in Berlin, including lighting on traffic signs and road facilities, by the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection in Berlin. The contract was finally awarded on 11 December 2017 and will come into effect on 1 October 2018.

Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin"I am happy for our company and the colleagues who have prepared and won the European tender, where we were up against really strong international competition. Being a Berlin-based company, it is of course somewhat of a prestige project for us, but the contract is definitely also attractive from a commercial perspective, otherwise we wouldn’t have participated,” says Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin.

Public lighting in Berlin comprises some 190,000 electric lights and 32,000 gas lights, which makes it the biggest number of city-owned electric and gas-fired street lights in Germany.

Berlin street at night. Photo: Susan Hortmann

Photo: Susan Hortmann.

“We know that we have the competences and capacities to handle this big task in our special BerlinLicht department. And we have actually taken care of the public lighting in Berlin for an almost unbroken period since 1884 which makes us even more proud of being entrusted with the task for the coming ten years also”, Thomas Schäfer concludes.

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