Aerial photo of Berlin

Vattenfall and Eurofiber to build large high-speed fiber optic network in Berlin

Vattenfall and Eurofiber will establish a Berlin based joint venture which will provide access to fiber connectivity for more than 500,000 households and businesses. The new fiber network will offer superior digital connectivity compared to the existing coax and copper networks and will be accessible to all broadband operators.

In the joint venture, Vattenfall and Eurofiber will work together on the construction and operation of the fiber optic infrastructure. The joint venture aims to connect more than 500,000 households and businesses to the superfast fiber optic network in the coming years, initially in the center of Berlin. The network will also be a digital infrastructure for 5G and IoT connectivity, giving way to the fast development of the capital into a digital smart city. It will be accessible to all broadband operators in an open access and non-discriminatory manner.

Tanja Wielgoss, CEO of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG: "We are delighted that creative and clever colleagues developed this idea outside our core business and that we have now found the perfect partner for the joint venture in Eurofiber. Eurofiber has proven know-how, experience and expertise in the construction and operation of fiber optic networks in urban centers. Together we want to give a boost to digitization, which this city and very many Berliners, whether professionally or privately, eagerly expect.”

Eurofiber CEO Alex Goldblum: “Digital connectivity is vital for the economy and society. The high-quality open fiber network that we are going to realize with Vattenfall will help thousands of companies and organizations and hundreds of thousands of households in Berlin prepare for the future. We are proud to be able to put our expertise to work on this great project and are looking forward to the collaboration.” 

The contracts signed yesterday are subject to the approval of the EU antitrust authorities and are to be executed immediately after the corresponding approval. 

About Eurofiber 


Eurofiber has been a provider of industry-leading open digital infrastructure since 2000. Utilizing its own fiber optic network and datacenters, Eurofiber has a 37,000 km fiber optic network covering the Netherlands, Belgium and France and stretching into Germany. Eurofiber is backed by Antin Infrastructure Partners, a leading independent private equity firm focused on infrastructure investments, as its sole shareholder. Antin brings specific in-depth expertise in the fiber sector through its investments in Eurofiber, CityFibre (UK), Lyntia (Spain) and Firstlight (US). 

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