Vattenfall launches structured bidding process for its Berlin heat business.
On the 4th of May of this year, Vattenfall announced that it would conduct a strategic review of its Berlin heat business. A structured bidding process is now being launched, at the end of which Vattenfall will make a final decision on whether to sell or retain the business. Investors interested in acquiring all shares (100%) of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG, including, among others, the shareholding in Fernheizwerk Neukölln AG, Berlin (80.80%), will be approached.
In For the structured bidding process, Vattenfall attaches a particular importance to the willingness and suitability of the interested parties to continue on the path already taken towards decarbonization of the business, and to also assume responsibility for the wellbeing of employees.
About Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG
Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG employs around 1,700 people and supplies around 1.4 million residential units with hot water and heat. In Berlin, Vattenfall owns and operates, among other things, ten combined heat and power plants (CHP), 105 small block-type thermal power plants and various other facilities. The heating network has a total length of over 2,000 km.