Vattenfall and Boliden extend contract

Vattenfall has had a contract with the mining and metal company Boliden since 2007 to supply electricity to Aitik copper mine, in Gällivare, and to its Finnish plants. The contract has now been extended to include six of the company’s plants in Sweden from the beginning of 2016.

The contractual volume is approximately 5.5 TWh. Vattenfall will also be responsible for Boliden’s power balance in Sweden from 2016, i.e. for its daily power procurement.

“Our cooperation goes back a decade, and the fact that Boliden has now decided to transfer most of their electricity business to us is obviously extremely positive. It means that we will be able to even better support Boliden in its development on the Nordic market,” says Erik Hagland, Head of Business Sales Nordic.

Boliden operates mines and smelting works in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. The Group has about 4,900 employees and a turnover of SEK 37 billion.

For further information, please contact:

Robert Pletzin, Press Officer, +46 72 516 86 06

From Vattenfall's Press Office, telephone: +46 8 739 50 10,

Vattenfall is a Swedish owned energy company with operations in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and Finland. Since 1 January 2014 Vattenfall has started to operate from two units: the Nordic region and UK/Continental Europe. Vattenfall’s vision s to create a strong and diversified European energy portfolio and to be among the leaders in developing an environmentally sustainable energy system.


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