Vattenfall strengthens efficiency through partnering with Accenture and Capgemini

Today, Vattenfall enters into strategic partnerships with Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and Capgemini (EURONEXT: CAP). The purpose is to get access to modern, automated and digitalized administrative systems and tools.
As a result, a number of processes will be outsourced. A total of 500 employees and consultants in Germany, Sweden and Netherlands may be affected.

To remain competitive in a rapidly changing market, Vattenfall has optimized and downsized the business significantly over the past few years. Effective tools and modern ways of working are a logical next step in the process. The two new partnerships mean that Vattenfall will have the opportunity to upgrade many of its business systems and processes to a modern, global standard. The areas to be outsourced are within the company’s HR (via Accenture) and Finance and Procurement (via Capgemini) functions.

Stefan Dohler, CFO at Vattenfall, emphasizes that the decision to form strategic partnerships is in line with Vattenfall’s overall strategic direction.

“We have reached an important milestone. Reducing costs is only one objective, getting ‘state-of-the art systems’ suited to a company of Vattenfall’s size and international set-up is just as important. We will also benefit from the further technological developments in that area. These two strategic partnerships will improve our competitiveness long-term, as well as allowing Vattenfall to focus on its core business.”

Kerstin Ahlfont, Senior Vice President Human Resources looks forward to working together with Accenture and Capgemini.

“Access to modern and future-proof tools and new ways of working will not only contribute to improve our efficiency, but also enhance our work environment long term. I really look forward to continue this journey hand in hand with our new partners.”

Joost Van De Meent, Senior Managing Director, Resources, for Accenture, says, “Utilities are experiencing many pressures, including the need to be more cost effective and quickly adapt to changing priorities. We look forward to delivering efficient and high quality HR services to Vattenfall, including improved self-service for both managers and employees, which allows Vattenfall to further focus on their strategic priorities”.

 “We are delighted that Vattenfall has selected Capgemini to transform its finance and procurement services across Europe. Vattenfall is keen to embrace change and to stay competitive in its complex market, and we believe there is a strong cultural fit between the two teams that will deliver sustainable transformation in the years to come”,  Aruna Jayanthi, Head of Business Services and member of the Group Executive Committee at Capgemini commented.

For further information, please contact:
Lars-Åke Linander, Press Officer, cell: +46 709 826769
From Vattenfall’s Press Office, telephone: +46 8 739 5010.


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