Vattenfall and Facebook sign long-term deals for new Nordic renewable energy

Vattenfall and Facebook have signed long-term supply and service agreements for integrating the output of three new Norwegian wind projects into the electric grid that provides power to Facebook’s Nordic data centres in Odense, Denmark, and Luleå in Sweden.

Vattenfall has been awarded a contract from Facebook to provide wind integration and balancing services for the three new wind projects of the Bjerkreim cluster located in southwest Norway. Facebook has purchased 100% of the output of the 294 MW cluster under long-term power purchase agreements with the wind farm owner Luxcara. Vattenfall will also be the selected electricity supplier to Facebook’s data centre facilities in Odense and Luleå. “Vattenfall is very proud to have expanded its long-term cooperation with Facebook to include integrating their supply of new renewable energy into the Nordic electric grid. The balancing services agreement is Vattenfall’s largest agreement with an external partner in the Nordics,” said Branislav Slavic, Vice President of Business Sales Nordic at Vattenfall.
“We are excited to partner with Vattenfall on our largest European renewable project to date. These projects will add wind energy to the Nordic grid providing a 100% renewable solution to our data center campuses in Odense, Denmark and Luleå, Sweden,” said Vince Van Son, Facebook’s Commercial Director for Energy and Infrastructure. "It will also provide a renewable solution for the electricity consumed at the energy center in Odense, enabling the production of renewable heating for the community from the heat recovered at our data centre.”

For more information, contact:

 Vattenfall Press Office +46 8 739 5010,


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