Vattenfall retains Gold for sustainability performance

Vattenfall's sustainability work has once again proven to be of the highest quality and makes considerable strides in the labour and human rights category. This, according to EcoVadis, that rate over 55 000 suppliers sustainability performance in 155 countries.


Annika Ramsköld, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Vattenfall

"It is very rewarding that our sustainability work is being recognised. I believe it is the result of a lot hard work and it shows that our employees have embraced sustainability and understood its value to our business. Sustainability is fully integrated into our strategy and everything we do, not only in our own work but in our collaboration with suppliers, customers and partners," says Annika Ramsköld, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Vattenfall.

Gold-for-sustainability-1x1.jpgTo reach EcoVadis' Gold status, companies must score at least 63 points on a 0 to 100 scale. Vattenfall achieved 76 points, an increase from the 73 points achieved last year. In the Environment category, Vattenfall climbed from being in the top 3% to the top 2% of all companies assessed in the power industry category, and in the Human Rights category, gone from the top 18% to the top 6%. All in all, this is an improvement from the top 5% to the top 3% of suppliers assessed in the power industry.

"I am particularly happy that all efforts and focus on social issues, like human rights and  working conditions on supplier sites, is recognized and visible. Here, we have gone from the top 18% to the top 6% of all companies surveyed," says Annika Ramsköld.

An independent rating agency, EcoVadis globally reviews, rates and ranks companies' sustainability work. Their methodology builds on international standards including the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000.

The four themes that are assessed are: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

CSR Performance Overview - EV Score Details (PDF)

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