Power lines - Vattenfall Distribution. Photographer: Jennie Pettersson

Vattenfall – interim report, January-September 2021

Financial highlights, January-September 2021

  • Net sales increased by 2% (5% excluding currency effects) to SEK 116,590 million (114,815)
  • Underlying operating profit of SEK 22,090 million (17,802)
  • Operating profit of SEK 52,521 million (10,030)
  • Profit for the period of SEK 41,912 million (1,989)

Financial highlights, July-September 2021

  • Net sales increased by 2% (4% excluding currency effects) to SEK 36,125 million (35,375)
  • Underlying operating profit of SEK 4,782 million (4,818)
  • Operating profit of SEK 22,926 million (4,743)
  • Profit for the period of SEK 18,277 million (3,583)

Business highlights, July-September 2021

  • Higher electricity prices owing to a lower hydrological balance, lower wind speeds, and higher prices for fuel and CO2 emission allowances
  • Significant one-off effects had a positive impact on the profit for the period. Higher electricity and gas prices resulted in temporary high cash inflows due to increased margin calls received
  • Sale of Stromnetz Berlin completed on 1 July. The purchase price was EUR 2.1 billion 
  • Inauguration of Scandinavia´s largest wind farm, Kriegers Flak in Denmark       
  • Strong increase in producers and customers wanting to connect to the electricity grid  
  • Customer growth and expansion in e-vehicle charging solutions in Germany and the Netherlands
  • Continued steps to enable the expansion of district heating networks in Amsterdam and London

The complete interim report and presentation images are available on group.vattenfall.com. At a live webcast at 09.30 CEST Vattenfall’s President and CEO Anna Borg and CFO Kerstin Ahlfont will present the results together with Head of Strategic Development Andreas Regnell. 

The webcast can be found at Vattenfall interim report January-September 2021 and can also be attended by phoning +46 (0)8 505 100 31.

Vattenfall AB is obliged to disclose information of this nature under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication on 28 October 2021 at 08:00 am CEST by the following contact persons.

For more information, contact:
Johan Sahlqvist, Head of Group Control & Investor Relations, +46 (0)72 226 40 51
Henrik Svensson, Press Officer, +46 (0)70 271 11 32

Vattenfall's Press Office, +46 (0)87 39 50 10, press@vattenfall.com

See also

Anna Borg, President and CEO of Vattenfall

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