Vattenfall's Annual General Meeting 2022

Vattenfall AB's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Thursday April 28. Among other things, the AGM decided on a dividend payout of SEK 23.414 billion to its owner, the Swedish State. Also, Mats Granryd was elected new Chairman of the Board.

Vattenfall’s owner was represented at the AGM voting by  Christine Leandersson, Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. The owner was also represented by Stina Billinger, State Secretary, who gave a speech.

Annual General Meeting decisions:

Adoption of balance sheet and income statement

The AGM adopted the income and balance sheet for Vattenfall AB and the Vattenfall Group.


The AGM decided on a dividend distribution of SEK 23 414 000 000 to the owner of the parent company for 2021.

Discharge of liability

The AGM decided to discharge the members of the board and the CEO from liability.

Guidelines for remuneration 

The AGM approved the board's proposal for guidelines for remuneration to senior executives. The guidelines are designed in accordance with the Swedish Government’s principles for remuneration and are published at the Vattenfall website under the headline corporate governance. Corporate governance - Vattenfall

Election of board members

The AGM decided that the number of AGM-elected members should be seven in number. Mats Granryd, board member since 2020, was elected as new Chairman of the Board. Viktoria Bergman, Ann Carlsson, Håkan Erixon, Tomas Kåberger and Fredrik Rystedt were re-elected. Daniel Kristiansson was elected as new board member. Lars G Nordström, Jenny Lahrin and Åsa Söderström Winberg had declined re-election.

Remuneration to the board 

The AGM decided on a remuneration fee of SEK 882,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 405,000 for other board members. For work on the Audit Committee, a fee was set at SEK 108,000  for its chairman and SEK 82,000 for other members. A fee for work on the Remuneration Committee was set at SEK 60,000 for its chairman and SEK 45,000 for other members. No fees will be paid to employee representatives and those who are employed at the Swedish Government Offices.

Election of auditors and remuneration 

The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as auditor, with Eva Carlsvi as the auditor-in-charge. The AGM decided that the fee for the auditor’s work shall be paid as per approved invoice.

The Swedish government’s principles for state-owned companies

The AGM decided that the Swedish government’s principles for corporate governance in state-owned companies, for external reporting in state-owned companies as well as for terms of employment for senior executives in state-owned companies, will apply for Vattenfall AB until otherwise resolved by the Shareholder’s Meeting.

For further information, please contact:
Vattenfall’s Press Office, +46 (0)8 739 50 10,


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