Vattenfall joins Airbus and partners to pave the way for hydrogen aviation

Airbus, Avinor, SAS, Swedavia and Vattenfall have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to investigate the feasibility of a hydrogen infrastructure at airports in Sweden and Norway.

This cooperation will provide better understanding of hydrogen aircraft concepts and operations, supply, infrastructures and refueling needs at airports in order to help develop this hydrogen aviation ecosystem in both countries. The work will also identify the pathways to select which airports will be transformed to operate hydrogen-powered aircraft in both countries as well as the accompanying regulatory framework.

This is a first step with a one year feasibility study that covers two countries and more than 50 airports. It reflects the partners’ shared ambition to use their respective expertise to support the decarbonization of the aviation industry and to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“Hydrogen stands out as a key enabler as we strive to pioneer a sustainable aviation future.” said Guillaume Faury, CEO Airbus, “Norway and Sweden are among the most demanding regions for aviation and have great potential for hydrogen production from renewable energy sources. I am very pleased to enter into this cooperation with partners fully engaged to take significant steps towards decarbonising aerospace. It perfectly fits with our strategy of deploying hydrogen aviation ecosystems in the most suitable parts of the world.”

”We want to enable industry decarbonisation. Aviation is a hard to abate industry where breaking away from fossil fuels is a huge challenge today. This cross border collaboration however demonstrates the willingness to bring about change. We look forward to contribute with expertise in electricity market development, electrical infrastructure, and hydrogen production in Sweden”, said Anna Borg, President and CEO, Vattenfall.

The use of hydrogen to power future aircraft is not only expected to significantly reduce aircraft emissions in the air, but could also help decarbonise air transport activities on the ground.

In 2020, Airbus unveiled the first ZEROe concept with the ambition to bring to market the world's first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft by 2035. Airbus also launched the “Hydrogen Hub at Airports” program to jumpstart research into infrastructure requirements and low-carbon airport operations, across the entire value chain.

For questions please contact:
Magnus Kryssare, press officer Vattenfall, +46 (0)76 769 56 07,

Vattenfall’s Press Office, +46 (0)8 739 50 10,


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