Future Consultation

Vattenfall is committed to an open and honest dialogue throughout the development process and consultation with key stakeholders played a vital role in the development of the Ourack wind farm proposal. 

Should the Ourack wind farm proposal be granted consent the Ourack project team will consult with key stakeholders to produce documents required to progress to the construction phase. For the Ourack wind farm proposal the anticipated documents to be consulted on will include:

•    Outdoor Access Plan
•    Dava Way Improvement and Enhancement Works
•    Construction Traffic Management Plan
•    Dava Bridge and Castle Grant Offsite Road Improvement Works
•    Construction Environmental Management Plan
•    Habitat Management Plan
•    Peat Management Plan
•    Water Quality and Fish Monitoring Plan

The project team will seek input into the production of these documents to ensure that stakeholder concerns and opportunities are fully incorporated into the final delivery of the Ourack wind farm proposal.