Gas storage

Vattenfall's Epe gas storage is located in the municipality of Gronau in Germany, close to the Dutch border.

On this page you can find general information and availability of the storage.

You can also read more about the actual in and outflows of our Epe gas storage and receive information about the conditions under which access can be granted.

Gas storage Epe

Gas storage at Epe 02.

General information

Gas is stored in caverns, which were leached for the production of salt and later modified to store natural gas. Our facility is connected to the Dutch high pressure gas transmission system operated by Gas Transport Servcies BV (GTS) and to the German high pressure gas transmission grid operated by Open Grid Europe GmbH.

Working gas volume:  2.739.708.000 kWh
Max. withdrawal capacity from storage to GTS* grid: 5.862.000 kWh/h
Max. injection capacity from GTS* grid to storage: 3.517.000 kWh/h
Potential withdrawal capacity from storage to OGE** grid: 4.876.999 kWh
Connected to: GTS* grid for injection and withdrawal, TTF**** market area OGE-L*** grid for withdrawal only, THE***** market area
Gas quality:
9.77 kWh/m³(n)

*GTS = Gas Transport Services BV
**OGE = Open Grid Europe
***OGE-L = network which transports low caloric gas
****TTF = Title Transfer Facility
*****THE = Trading Hub Europe

Epe maintenance and outages

For the scheduled and unscheduled reduction of gas inflow and outflow capacities of the Epe gas storage (urgent market messages and planned maintenances) we refer to the GIE website.

Woman typing on a laptop

Book capacity in Epe

Are you interested in booking capacity in our Epe gas storage? Please find commercial information on how to get access for third parties in the links below.

Epe storage facility - Norbrand

Primary market

All storage capacities are booked until 1 April 2039.

Secondary market

If a storage user wants to sell booked capacity, the user can inform us to publish the information and/or offer it to other users. If you are interested in booking the capacities, please find the contact data under “Access to gas storage” below.

  Storage year  Working gas volume [GWh]       Injection capacity [GWh/d]                 Withdrawal capacity [GWh/d]

Usage of gas storage

For information on the usage of the Epe gas storage facility we refer to the GIE website. Amongst other the following data is available:

  • In- and outflow
  • The total stock at the end of the previous day

Data on the GIE website is available from 1 January 2016 till current date.

Access to gas storage

For information on available volumes and enquiries on contracting capacity please contact us through email.

Stainless steel pipes running through a hall

See also

Girl with green jumper looking into the camera

We have decided to make the biggest leap yet to reduce the impact of climate change.

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Vattenfall is an integrated energy company focused on our customers.

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