Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm

Vattenfall selects operation and maintenance hub for Horns Rev 3

Vattenfall has chosen the Port of Hvide Sande on the Danish West Coast as the operation and maintenance hub for Denmark’s next and largest offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3 in the North Sea. The choice is a testimony to the local benefits of investing in offshore wind and a fossil-free living.

With an annual electricity production that can cover the consumption in approximately 425.000 Danish households, Horns Rev 3 is Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, and Vattenfall has now selected the Port of Hvide Sande on the Danish West Coast as its base for operating and maintaining the 49 turbines.

“This is a testimony to the local benefits of offshore wind and the engagement in the sector of the Port of Hvide Sande. It’s a commitment by Vattenfall to contribute to local development and shows that investing in a fossil-free future is something communities can base a living on”, says Michael Simmelsgaard, Managing Director for Vattenfall in Denmark and Head of Offshore Wind.

When the facility is established, service vessels will depart with service technicians and equipment on a daily basis from Hvide Sande to the wind farm approximately 25-40 kilometres off the coast in the North Sea.

“We expect to employ 25-30 full-time staff working out of Hvide Sande and establish a Vattenfall facility at the port. On top of this, we and our partners will need local suppliers. We will be looking for a range of services from engineering support of our equipment and vessels to cleaning and building maintenance”, says Director of Operation and Maintenance Offshore, Erik Hiensch.

The operation and maintenance from Hvide Sande will begin when the warranty period ends with MHI Vestas in 2024. Until then investigations will be conducted on what exact facilities will be needed at the port.

About the Horns Rev 3 wind farm

  • Horns Rev 3 will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm and boost the Danish electricity production from wind with around 12 per cent
  • With a capacity of 406 MW Horns Rev 3 will cover the annual electricity consumption of approx. 425.000 Danish households.
  • The total height of the 8,4 MW turbines is 187 metres and each weigh close to 1.500 tonnes including foundation.
  • The Horns Rev 3 wind farm is located in the North Sea 25-40 kilometres off the Danish West Coast.

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