Media invitation: HYBRIT – the world’s very first pilot plant for fossil-free steel is now to start operation

SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall will be starting the test operation of HYBRIT’s globally unique pilot plant for the production of fossil-free sponge iron, a decisive step toward fossil-free steel production, on Monday, August 31 in Luleå. This plant represents an important step in the creation of a totally fossil-free value chain for steelmaking. Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is attending the opening.

Present at this official opening are also Martin Lindqvist, President and CEO of SSAB, Jan Moström, President and CEO of LKAB, Magnus Hall, President and CEO of Vattenfall, Eva Vitell, Managing Director of HYBRIT, and Robert Andrén, Director General of the Swedish Energy Agency, along with several guests.

Because of the coronavirus, only a limited number of people will be able to attend the event on site. The event will be broadcast digitally.

Where: SSAB Luleå, Svartövägen 20, Luleå, Sweden.
When: Monday, August 31, gathering 11:30 CEST.

12:00 Tour of the plant.
12:30 Assembly by the stage at the HYBRIT plant or digital broadcast.
12:50 The pilot plant starts operation.
13:25 The official opening ceremony concludes, time for media.

Register for the digital conference.
For more information about HYBRIT, visit
Digital broadcast 12:30-13:10 CEST (in Swedish)

For more information and registration, please contact
(registration Friday Aug 28 by 10:00 CEST):
Mia Widell, SSAB,, +46 76 527 25 01
Erika Lindblad, LKAB,, +46 72 524 12 41
Magnus Kryssare, Vattenfall,, +46 76 769 56 07

Hybrit Development is a joint venture formed by the steel manufacturer SSAB, the mining company LKAB and the energy company Vattenfall. The purpose of this partnership is to develop the world’s very first fossil-free, iron ore-based steelmaking process. The by-product created when using fossil-free electricity and hydrogen instead of coke and coal in steelmaking is water instead of carbon dioxide. The project has the potential to cut Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions by ten per cent. The HYBRIT project has been granted financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency.


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