Vattenfall was prequalified in May 2017 to participate in the tender process for offshore wind power off the coast of Dunkerque. In that context, Vattenfall announced in March 2018 it had teamed up with Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and WPD.
Vattenfall has now called for an Expression of Interest (EoI) from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) based in France with regards to future contracting opportunities related to the wind projects, not only located in France, developed by Vattenfall. This will give them the opportunity to connect with Vattenfall and offer their services.
As a follow-up to this EoI, Vattenfall intends to invite these SMEs to a ‘meet-the-buyer’ event where both sides can learn more from one another and also take a closer look at what is required to do business together.
More information about the EoI is available at CCI Business, a business portal operated by a network of chambers of commerce and industry, collecting nearly 600 business profiles located over throughout France.
About Vattenfall wind operations
In 2017, Vattenfall’s total wind production was almost 7.6 terawatt hours, distributed across more than 1,100 wind turbines. In offshore wind, Vattenfall is a global leader with 11 windfarms in five countries and 2 in construction and more than 25 years of experience. Pioneer in this Sector, Vattenfall has seen the entire life cycle of an offshore wind farm through up to decommissioning.