As part of the newly appointed European Commissioner for Energy’s first official visit to a member state, Kadri Simson on 6 February visited Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm in the North Sea and the surveillance centre at Vattenfall’s service centre in Esbjerg, western Denmark.
EU Commissioner Kadri Simson and country manager for Denmark Jacob Nørgaard Andersen hovering over Horns Rev 3.
The European Commission has launched a European Green Deal (EGD) as EU’s growth strategy to transform the EU into a prosperous climate neutral society in 2050. The EGD will include an offshore wind strategy and what better place to seek inspiration than at Vattenfall’s new 407 MW offshore wind farm.
The visit to Horns Rev 3 set the stage for a talk about these important EU initiatives which will form an essential framework for Vattenfall’s activities in the future.
Ready to go – the group with representatives from the EU, Danish authorities and Vattenfall in front of the helicopter before take-off.
The Commissioner was accompanied by Head of BA Wind Gunnar Groebler and country manager for Denmark Jacob Nørgaard Andersen and focus was on showcasing Vattenfall’s efforts to enable a fossil-free future within one generation.
About the Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm
Horns Rev 3 is Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm and will increase Danish electricity generation from wind by around 12 per cent.
With a capacity of 407 MW, Horns Rev 3 will cover the annual electricity consumption of approx. 425,000 Danish households.
The total height of the 49 8.3 MW wind turbines is 187 metres, and each turbine weighs close to 1,500 tonnes, including the foundation.
The Horns Rev 3 wind farm is located in the North Sea 25-40 kilometres off the Danish West Coast.