
New study confirms: Vattenfall ranks high on sustainability

Customers all over Northern Europe consider Vattenfall to be one of the most sustainable brands according to newly published study in eight countries.

The Sustainable Brand Index survey, Europe’s largest brand study on sustainability, is performed annually in eight counties. This year, Vattenfall is in one of the top positions in all relevant markets.

The most remarkable climb was achieved in the Netherlands, where the Vattenfall brand was launched only last year. There, Vattenfall positioned itself on eighth place among all brands in the country. In the previous poll, Nuon only reached number 46. This means that Vattenfall is already seen as the second most sustainable energy company in the country, ahead of big competitors.

Paco Liebrand, Vattenfall’s Head of Brand says:

“This is a great achievement when you realize that a year ago only 25 percent of the Dutch public was aware that Vattenfall was an energy company. Vattenfall’s appearance in these kind of rankings not only shows that we are noticed but even more so that we are recognized for having a clear ambition. I send big compliments to the Dutch team.“

The Danish result is a bit special. in Denmark Vattenfall is the second highest rated energy company in the private customer sector, after Danish giant Orsted. This is remarkable in a special way as Vattenfall has never had any retail business in the country but is known as a wind power developer and operator. The only private customer business is done via the small subsidiary Vindstød. In the total ranking the Vattenfall brand leaped from position 35 last year to position 23 this year.

In Finland, Vattenfall is considered the most sustainable energy company according to the Sustainable Brand Index report. In the total ranking of Finnish brands, Vattenfall climbs from position 44 to 35.

In Sweden, Vattenfall is at number three among energy companies. Vattenfall has climbed the ranking every year since 2017 and reached place 31 in the total ranking this year compared to position 42 last year.

Vattenfall has a strong sustainability image also among business customers. In Sweden, Sustainable Brand Index makes a second survey, among decision makers in small and medium sized enterprises (B2B). This ranking puts Vattenfall on position 4 among 75 supplier companies. The respondents ranked the companies from both environmental and social sustainability point of view.

Annika Ramsköld, Vattenfall’s Head of Sustainability, says:   

“I am happy that the result of a lot hard work from all our colleagues are now being recognized. Sustainability is fully integrated into everything we do, not only in our own work and operations but also in our collaboration with suppliers, customers and partners. Obviously this is noted by our customers, which is very rewarding for all of us at Vattenfall that have embraced sustainability and understand its value to our business. In these times the social and environmental responsibility becomes even more important and we are determined to enable fossil free living within one generation without compromising on the social and environmental aspect.”

Sustainable Brand Index

The Sustainable Brand Index survey consists nearly 60,000 consumer interviews in eight countries: Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All in all, close to 1,400 brands are assessed based on the UN's global sustainable development goals. The survey does not cover Germany, France or the UK, unfortunately from a Vattenfall perspective.

More information about the Sustainable Brand Index is available here 


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