Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm

Scandinavia’s largest offshore wind farm to be inaugurated on September 6th

His Royal Highness the Danish Crown Prince and the Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Simon Kollerup will inaugurate Scandinavia’s largest offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea.

All 72 offshore wind turbines are in place to supply fossil-free power at Vattenfall's newest and to date largest offshore wind farm, Kriegers Flak. The park has a production capacity of 604 MW, corresponding to the annual consumption of approx. 600,000 Danish households.

This makes Kriegers Flak Denmark's and Scandinavia’s largest offshore wind farm and increases Danish electricity production from wind turbines by about 16 percent.

Kriegers Flak will be officially inaugurated by HRH the Crown Prince at a reception on September 6th at Geocenter Møns Klint, from where you can see Kriegers Flak, located 15-40 kilometers off the coast.

"We are very proud of the contribution that Kriegers Flak brings to the wind energy production in Denmark and to the green transition. After a successful construction process, Kriegers Flak is now ready to provide green power to Danish homes and industry, and we look forward to His Royal Highness and the Minister coming to mark this great occasion with us," says Anna Borg, CEO of Vattenfall.

The press will have the opportunity to cover the inauguration ceremony from designated press areas. In addition, drone footage from Kriegers Flak will be made available to the press.

Interview with Anna Borg and others from Vattenfall must be booked in advance. Interviews with the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs will be possible on arrival or by contacting the Press Department of the Ministry for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.

Media participation requires registration with name, position, and media by Thursday September 2nd at 12:00 to

Time & Place

Monday, September 6th 2021 12:00–14:00
Geocenter Møns Klint, Stengårdsvej 8, 4791 Borre


12:00–13:00: Lunch reception for invited guests

13:00–14:00: Inauguration

  • Welcome and speeches:
    • Lars G. Nordström, Chairman of the Board, Vattenfall
    • Anna Borg, CEO, Vattenfall,
    • Simon Kollerup, Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs
    • HRH The Crown Prince inaugurates Kriegers Flak with local school class and live pictures from Kriegers Flak
    • Photo opportunity
    • The Crown Prince and entourage walk to Geocenter’s boardwalk to look at Kriegers Flak

A separate press program will be sent out before the inauguration.

Facts about Kriegers Flak

  • Kriegers Flak has a production capacity of 604 MW.
  • The offshore wind farm can cover the annual electricity consumption of approx. 600,000 Danish households.
  • Kriegers Flak will increase the Danish electricity production from wind by approximately 16 percent.
  • The 72 wind turbines each have a total height of 188 meters and weigh up to 907 tons.
  • The wind farm is located in the Baltic Sea, 15-40 kilometers off the Danish coast.
  • The wind farm covers an area of 132 km2 and has about 170 kilometers of underwater cables.

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