Horns rev 3 wind farm

Anna Borg attends North Sea Summit in Denmark

On Wednesday 18 May Vattenfall’s CEO, Anna Borg, will participate in the North Sea Summit along with four European heads of government and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Vattenfall’s CEO, Anna Borg, and Head of BA Wind, Helene Biström, have been invited to participate in a summit on offshore wind, hosted by the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen. The summit will be held in Esbjerg on 18 May, and among the participants are:

  • Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
  • Olaf Scholz, The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium
  • Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark
  • Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy.

The North Sea Summit will focus on the central role offshore wind that will play in phasing out fossil fuels in the EU, and how the North Sea can become a green powerhouse for Europe.

In addition to the heads of government, the summit will be attended by the EU Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson, and the Energy and Climate Ministers of the four North Sea countries. Finally, various other companies are invited at CEO level.

Ursula von der Leyen and the four heads of government are going to visit Vattenfall's surveillance centre in Esbjerg. Here they will get concrete insights into how to manage offshore wind resources on a large scale. Anna Borg will host the visit.

Anna Borg will also participate in a panel discussion with Ørsted's CEO, Mads Nipper. The topic is how offshore wind expansion in the North Sea and the rest of the EU can be accelerated and scaled up.

Helene Biström will participate in a roundtable discussion with other top executives from Europe. The theme will be offshore wind and the fossil-free transition. The discussion will be moderated by the energy and climate ministers.

"The fact that Vattenfall is invited to a summit of this magnitude shows that we are a credible partner in offshore wind and fossil-free transition in general. We are very much interested in dialogue with the EU, governments and businesses, and it is positive that the interest is mutual," says country manager for Denmark, Anne Mette Traberg. 

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