Vattenfall gets international supply chain award – again

Vattenfall has once again received the Supplier Engagement Leader award from global organisation CDP.

At Vattenfall, we are working very hard to minimise our carbon footprint and have set an ambitious target to reach net zero by 2040. An important element in decarbonisation is to focus in a full value chain perspective. In 2021, Vattenfall therefore started a supplier CO2 reduction project (SCO2RE) in order to minimize the carbon footprints in our supply chain

Those efforts and the results of that project has been recognised externally. Last year, Vattenfall for the first time received the Supplier Engagement Leader Award for our work with our suppliers, an award we now once again has received.

The award is given by the global organisation CDP, which annually scrutinizes companies worldwide and their work with decarbonising supply chains based on a large number of criteria. In the report for 2023, only top performers of the assessed companies receive the Supplier Engagement Leader award.

“In order to reach our net zero target by 2040 we depend on strong supplier collaboration. We put a lot of effort in assessing options for circular or fossil free materials for both our investments in the energy transition and our everyday operations. I am therefore very happy that CDP through the supplier engagement rating, ones again identifies us as a leader in value chain decarbonisation activities”, says Helle Herk Hansen, Head of Environment at Vattenfall.

Read more about CDP and the award here: Supplier Engagement Rating - CDP 

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