Important starting point for joint wind farm

Today, Skandia and Vattenfall inaugurate the joint wind farm Höge Väg in Kristianstad municipality. The partnership began in December 2014 when the companies set up a joint company with shared ownership of four wind farms.

The inauguration marks the start of a different form of partnership, new both for Vattenfall and Skandia. Vattenfall, with many years in the wind business, has no similar experience of external co-financing and co-ownership in wind power. Skandia invests heavily in infrastructure but has not been present in the energy industry earlier.

“Vattenfall currently has 17 wind power projects at different development stages in our portfolio in Sweden. We have ambitious plans for a 100 percent renewable energy system. Co-financing with Skandia enables further expansion. That’s good for our respective customers and it’s good for Sweden”, says Ingrid Bonde, CFO and vice president Vattenfall.

A total of four wind farms are included in the joint company; Hjuleberg and Högabjär-Kärsås in Falkenberg municipality, Juktan in Sorsele municipality and Höge Väg. All four are in operation and Hjuleberg was inaugurated in 2014.

“Skandia has successfully increased investments in infrastructure and this wind power venture is important for us. By investing in wind power, the returns from pension capital are twofold; one is the return of investment but it also contributes to a more sustainable energy system”, says Frans Lindelöw, CEO Skandia.

Facts Höge Väg
Number of turbines: 18
Type of turbine: Gamesa
Total capacity: 38 MW
Early production: 107 GWh (21 500 households)

More information about Höge Väg here.

More information about the other wind farms here.

For further information:
Peter Stedt, pressekreterare Vattenfall Norden, 070-597 73 38
Pontus Haag , Informationsansvarig Skandia, 072-700 67 12


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