Gold rating for Vattenfall’s sustainability performance
Vattenfall has been rated Gold for its sustainability performance by EcoVadis, an independent agency that perform sustainability ratings and scorecards.
“To have the sustainability aspect in focus all the time is increasingly important. It is really satisfying that we have received such a good rating. It is proof of that we are doing the right things and have put the emphasis on sustainability issues,” says Annika Ramsköld, Vice President Corporate Sustainability at Vattenfall.
Among investors and business customers it is very important to include the sustainability aspect and many times a deal is more or less dependent of this. Many of the partners Vattenfall speaks to request an independent review of the company’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) work. CSR is a way to value the responsibility a company takes for the effect it has on the society and surroundings, both economically, societally and environmentally, above what the law demands.
“Investors and customers demand us to be responsible and to be able to show how we work with CSR. The feedback is that they think we have succeeded to integrate sustainability in a good way in our daily operations, but have not been able to reach out sufficiently to the public and media. This is why external rankings, such as by EcoVadis, become extra important and drive us to work even harder,” says Annika Ramsköld.
EcoVadis use a methodology based on international CSR standards such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), UN Global Compact and ISO 26000.
To reach the level Gold, a company needs to score a ranking between 62 - 00. Vattenfall scored 65. The areas that were evaluated are; Environment, Labor Practices & Human Rights, Fair Business Practices and Sustainable Procurement.
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