Ski Team Sweden Alpine and Vattenfall initiate project to reduce climate impact

Climate changes can be noticed in many different ways and it is very tangible for the skiers in Ski Team Sweden Alpine. The glaciers are melting and snow coverage has receded drastically. Together with Vattenfall, Ski Team Sweden Alpine has now initiated a project to cut their climate impact in half by 2022.

Vattenfall, a main sponsor of the Swedish Ski Association since 1994, and Ski Team Sweden Alpine are now launching a joint project with the aim of reducing the alpine team's emissions. These currently amount to a total of 44.6 tonnes/person per year. This is four times higher than the norm, mainly due to travel and dietary customs.

"There are several ways to reduce climate impact. This project is therefore a pressing one and an important signal that we all can contribute in some way. Vattenfall has a clear goal of supporting customers and partners to become fossil free within one generation, so it is obvious for us to collaborate with Ski Team Sweden Alpine and share our know-how with them," says Magnus Hall, CEO at Vattenfall.

Among others, Ski Team Sweden Alpine will be helped by Vattenfall's climate coach Lasse Ejeklint. The alpine team will also involve and utilize its suppliers and partners to see how operations can be improved.

"We are aware that the sport is under threat by climate changes and we are a major contributory factor ourselves. We now would like to reduce our carbon footprint by learning from those who work with these issues every day," says Kalle Olsson Bexell, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Swedish Ski Association.

"We will of course continue to give people the opportunity to discover skiing and be the world's best alpine skiing team. We are convinced that both these goals can be attained at the same time, by making more conscious choices and trying to identify solutions for issues we have to address," says Tommy Eliasson Winter, Alpine Director at the Swedish Ski Association.

More information:

For further information, please contact:
Heidi Stenström, Press Officer, +46 (0)70 611 81 92, 
Kalle Olsson Bexell, Marketing and Communications Director for Ski Team Sweden Alpine, +46 (0)76 634 73 68,


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