Vattenfall announces its largest Dutch wind investment to date

Vattenfall has decided to invest more than EUR 200 million to repower and expand its Wieringermeer onshore windfarm in the Netherlands – the largest wind investment to date for Vattenfall in the Netherlands.

Vattenfall will replace older wind mills with latest wind technology to a capacity of 180 Megawatt (MW) by 2019. Moreover, Vattenfall has acquired the adjacent Wieringermeer extension with an additional capacity of 115 MW. 

“The Wieringermeer onshore wind farm is another step in our ambition to expand our wind power portfolio, underlining our strategic ambition to become fossil-free within one generation. With this wind farm we will be able to supply companies and consumers in the Netherlands with even more clean renewable energy,” says Magnus Hall, Vattenfall’s President and CEO.

Wieringermeer will in 2020 reach a total capacity of 295 MW and a power generation of around 1 TWh (terawatt hours), equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 250,000 households.

“The Netherlands is an important market for Vattenfall and particularly for our wind, solar and battery activities. Thanks to the hard and dedicated work of our team and the trustful cooperation with the political and local stakeholders, the Wieringermeer project underlines our competence in repowering and can now be transformed into our most modern onshore windfarm in the Netherlands,” says Gunnar Groebler, Head of Vattenfall Business Area Wind.

Wieringermeer will be built and operated by Vattenfall's Dutch subsidiary Nuon.

Background facts and about Wieringermeer wind farm
- In addition to the greater part of Wieringermeer (295 MW), Vattenfall in the Netherlands also owns e.g. the onshore wind farm Princess Alexia (122 MW) and the offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee (108 MW)
- Vattenfall’s currently installed capacity in wind power in the Netherlands amounts to 349 MW, out of which 241 MW onshore and 108 MW offshore.

This information is such that Vattenfall is required to make public in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and/or the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication, by the agency of Markus Friberg (Vattenfall) as contact person, at 09.15 CET on 27 October 2017.  

For further information, please contact:
Vattenfall’s Press Office: +46 8 739 5010, email:

Vattenfall is a Swedish, state owned energy company with around 20,000 employees with operations in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and Finland. Vattenfall focuses on growth in business areas that drive the transition to a renewable energy system and has the objective to become leading in sustainable energy production and thereby secure a reliable and cost effective energy supply.


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