Press invitation: HYBRIT - construction start on a globally unique pilot plant for fossil free steel production in Luleå, Sweden

On Wednesday 20 June 2018, the groundbreaking will be held for a globally unique pilot plant within the fossil free steel initiative undertaken by HYBRIT, SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall. Speaking at the ceremony will be Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

Also taking part will be Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin, HYBRIT CEO Mårten Görnerup, SSAB CEO and Group Manager Martin Lindqvist, LKAB CEO and Group Manager Jan Moström, and Vattenfall CEO and Group Manager Magnus Hall.

Place: SSAB Luleå, Svartövägen 20, Luleå, Sweden
Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 10:00 – 13:00

Opportunities for personal interviews. Register your attendance with

Host Karin Lepasoon, Director of Communications, Vattenfall

  • 10:00 Departure from the western security station at SSAB Luleå for joint transport to the site of the ceremony.
  • 10.15 Welcome – the HYBRIT initiative for fossil-free steel
    HYBRIT CEO Mårten Görnerup, SSAB CEO and Group Manager Martin Lindqvist, LKAB CEO and Group Manager Jan Moström, and Vattenfall CEO and Group Manager Magnus Hall will speak about the initiative's work in creating a fossil free society
  • 10:40 The significance of HYBRIT for Sweden and the world
    Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin
  • 11:00 Groundbreaking ceremony for HYBRIT pilot plant
  • 11.30 Lunch and mingling. Opportunities for personal interviews.
  • 13:00 Transport back to the western security station

For more information about the start of construction, contact:
Amelie Winberg, SSAB,, + 46 702211372
Erika Lindblad, LKAB,, +46 72 524 12 41
Markus Friberg, Vattenfall,, + 46 70 261 30 84

HYBRIT (Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology) is a joint initiative of the three companies SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, with the aim of designing the world's first fossil free ore-based steel production solution. The project was initiated in spring 2016, and the aim is to have a totally fossil-free process for steel production by 2035. More information is available at 


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