Vattenfall and Nivos Energia Oy launch new partnership in Finland

Vattenfall and the Finnish energy company Nivos Energia Oy have signed a new electricity and partnership contract. It is Vattenfall´s first partnership agreement in Finland within the energy company segment and the partnership is an important step in the rapidly shifting energy market where cooperation and knowledge sharing are vital.

Vattenfall has operated in Finland since 1996 and is now the third largest electricity supplier in the country providing several smart energy solutions. Nivos Energia, located in Mäntsäla, 50 kilometres north of Helsinki, has been operating at the market since 1926 and has approximately 20 000 customers.

“Finland is an important market and I am very happy that our brand and partnership concepts are so well received and looked upon. This new partnership with Nivos Energia makes both parties stronger and gives both of us increased opportunities to grow in a profitable and sustainable way. I am very optimistic about our way forward," says Matts Wesslén, Director and Head of Business Sales Nordic from Vattenfall.

“The competition between energy companies has grown stronger and many mergers between electricity sales companies are conducted in the energy industry. We had a lot of available options but wanted something different. That is why we have chosen a partnership with Vattenfall. We believe that Vattenfall as a big European energy company with a good track record and knowledge will allow us to bring more value to our customers and make us serve our customers even better,” says Esa Muukka, President and CEO of Nivos Group.

Vattenfall has a clear strategy to make fossil-free living possible within one generation. Nivos Energia has for several years investigated various options of how they can act even better in the Finnish electricity market and find a partner that shares the same values, goals and customer focus.

Nivos Energia

For further information, please contact:
Vattenfall’s Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8 739 50 10, email: 
Nivos Group: President and CEO Esa Muukka, telephone +358 44 723 3320, email:

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