Vattenfall and CAKE join forces to develop the first fossil-free motorcycle

Vattenfall and the Swedish manufacturer of electric motorcycles CAKE have signed a letter of intent to share expertise and know-how in their respective fields of competence with the aim to develop the first fossil-free electric motorcycle.

The collaboration combines cross-scientific competences between Vattenfall and CAKE, as well as specialists from outside, on the journey towards the fossil-free motorcycle that should be ready for series production in 2025.


“This collaboration is an excellent example of how we can contribute with fossil-free know-how and supply chain expertise in a specific product that drives towards zero emissions“, says Annika Ramsköld, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Vattenfall.

Vattenfall and CAKE are both committed to lead the transition towards a fossil-free society where Vattenfall’s goal is to enable fossil-free living within one generation with the purpose to power climate smarter living for all customers. CAKE´s purpose is to inspire people, contributing to speeding up the journey towards zero emissions through a combination of excitement and responsibility in its consumer products.

"This truly empowers our ability to further inspire towards clean transportation, together with the amazing force of Vattenfall, their initiatives, know-how and clear targets", says Stefan Ytterborn, CEO and Founder at CAKE.

To learn more about Vattenfall´s sustainability work click here

To learn more about CAKE click here

To learn more about the collaboration between Vattenfall and CAKE



For further information, please contact:

Henrik Svensson, Press Officer Vattenfall, tel.: +46 (0)70-271 11 32

Stefan Ytterborn, CEO and Founder at CAKE, +46 (0)73 525 63 28

Vattenfall's Press Office, tel.: +46 (0)87 39 50 10,

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