Swedish Government grants permit for offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak

Vattenfall welcomes the Swedish Government’s decision to grant construction permit of an offshore wind farm at Swedish Kriegers Flak.

Kriegers Flak in the south of the Baltic sea is the one of Vattenfall’s Swedish offshore wind projects that has come the furthest in its development. Vattenfall’s application covers 40 to 50 wind turbines with a total capacity of approximately 640 MW. Annual production would be sufficient to charge one million electric cars per year or to meet the annual needs of just over a half a million households.

“We are happy that the Government has made this decision. If Sweden is to be able to meet customers' future electricity needs, it is absolutely necessary to expand fossil free electricity production. Kriegers Flak would be a very valuable addition of electricity production in southern Sweden”, says Anna Borg, President and CEO of Vattenfall.

With the permit from the Government, the project is now taking an important step forward. However, the major challenges of securing necessary permits as well as the electricity grid connection on land, are prerequisites for completing the wind farm. Vattenfall is planning for a possible investment decision in 2025.

“Wind power, together with other fossil free energy sources, is crucial in the transformation of society that is required to meet the climate challenge and enable fossil free living within one generation. Vattenfall's hope is that Kriegers Flak will be connected to the Swedish national grid as quickly as possible. However, before the wind farm can be completed,  all necessary permits have to be secured and an agreement with the Swedish TSO on how connection to the grid on land needs to be reached”, says Helene Biström, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Area Wind at Vattenfall.

Facts about Swedish Kriegers Flak

  • Kriegers Flak is located 30 km south of Trelleborg, Sweden.
  • The wind farm can be commissioned around 2028, if everything goes according to plan.
  • Vattenfall’s application pertains 40–50 wind turbines with a maximum height of 280 meters.
  • The wind farms total capacity would be 640 MW with an annual production of around 2.6 TWh.
  • On the Danish side of Kriegers Flak, Vattenfall has already commissioned Denmark's largest wind farm. On the German side there has been a wind farm in operation since 2015.

For further information, please contact:

Johan Sennerö, Press Officer +46 (0)73-046 4045, johan.senneroe@vattenfall.com

Vattenfall Press Office +46 (0)8 739 50 10, press@vattenfall.com


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