Vattenfall signs grid contract with Siemens Energy and Aker Solutions

Vattenfall has signed a contract with Siemens Energy and Aker Solutions AS to deliver grid connection infrastructure for the Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm off the British coast.

The contract gives Siemens Energy and Aker Solutions the responsibility for engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) onshore and offshore substations and connection to the National Grid.

HVDC technology offers one of the most efficient means of transmitting large amounts of power over long distances.  

Helene Biström, Head of Business Area Wind at Vattenfall, said:

“Developing state of the art HVDC technology like this and having such strong partners on board, underlines our position as one of Europe’s leading developers in offshore wind. We are very proud of this deal, which is an important step forward to fossil free living within one generation and a major opportunity for supply chain companies to contribute to one of the largest offshore wind zones in the world.”

Hauke Jürgensen, Senior Vice President High Voltage Grids at Siemens Energy, said:

“The expansion of renewable energy is more important than ever – in order to achieve the energy transition, and to curbs the threats of climate change, but also to increase energy security. We look forward with Vattenfall and Aker Solutions to accelerate the development of offshore wind”.

Kenneth Simonsen, Senior Vice President of offshore wind at Aker Solutions, said:

“The development of Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone could require up to three HVDC platforms in succession, which would provide more long-term predictability and positive repeat effects and standardization for the supplier industry. We are proud to support a project which meets the dual objective of developing local content while delivering low cost, green electricity to homes and businesses across the UK.”

Facts about Norfolk Boreas: 

  • Located 47 kilometres off the Norfolk coast in south east Britain, with an installed capacity of 1.4GW, Norfolk Boreas is the first phase of Vattenfall’s Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone. It will deliver its first power in 2027.
  • Once complete, the Zone can produce renewable energy equivalent to the needs for over four million households and save about six million tons of carbon dioxide.

For more information, please contact:

Tim Dunford, Director, UK M​edia Relations & Editorial, +44 7785 552 666,

Vattenfall Press Office +46 8 739 5010,

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