Extraordinary General Meeting of Vattenfall AB

Vattenfall AB held an Extraordinary General Meeting on 25 October to elect a new Board member. At the Meeting, Pär Ekeroth was elected to the Board.

Vattenfall’s owner was represented at the voting at the Meeting by deputy Director Gustaf Hygrell from the Ministry of Finance.

Resolution at the Meeting:  

It was resolved, according to the proposal, to elect Pär Ekeroth as new Director of the Board, to serve for the time until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.

The other Directors of the Board; Ann Carlsson Meyer, Ingemar Engkvist, Håkan Erixon, Mats Granryd, Per Lindberg, Carola Puusteli and Fredrik Rystedt remain with Mats Granryd as Chairman of the Board.

Pär Ekeroth, Senior Advisor at the Ministry of Finance, succeeds Daniel Kristiansson, who left the Board when he left his position at the Swedish Government Offices.

For further information, please contact:

Vattenfall’s Press Office, +46 (0)8 739 50 10, press@vattenfall.com


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