
ChlorOut™ – reducing corrosion, fouling and emissions in bio-fired power plants.

About us
The ChlorOut concept
Operating experience
Reference plants

About us

ChlorOut is a technical solution that improves plant performance by reducing corrosion, fouling and emissions in plants that burn chloride-containing fuels.

ChlorOut AB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vattenfall AB and was founded in 2011 to market the ChlorOut concept and associated services. Our clients include boiler manufacturers, power plant technology suppliers and utility companies.

Our main business is to provide technology licences to clients in the global power industry, primarily boiler manufacturers, technology suppliers and engineering companies looking for an innovative and cost effective way to reduce material and maintenance costs for biomass and waste fired boilers.


The ChlorOut concept

The ChlorOut concept, developed at the beginning of this century, is a technical solution that reduces corrosion and deposit problems in biomass and waste fired boilers.

It can also be used for simultaneous reduction of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas, thus eliminating the need for traditional deNOx chemicals, which can be problematic from an occupational health and safety perspective. The concept has also been proven effective in reducing dioxin emissions.

A ChlorOut additive is injected into the flue gas upstream of the superheaters. This causes a rapid and effective conversion of the alkali chlorides in the flue gas to alkali sulphates, which are less harmful from a corrosion and deposit point of view. If ammonium sulphate is used as additive, a simultaneous reduction of the NOx content in the flue gases also occurs (SNCR reaction).

Our own measuring instrument, IACM (In-situ Alkali Chloride Monitor) measures the concentration of gaseous alkali chlorides (KCl and NaCl) on-line and this information is provided to the control room.

IACM is used for the automatic control of the required amount of the ChlorOut additive and also enables on-line quality control of the incoming fuel mix.



Four week demonstration in 100 MWth CHP plant. 

Metal without additives

Deposits and corrosion products formed on test rings after exposure during combustion of a mixture of biomass and plastic waste.

Metal tube with additives

The appearance after ChlorOut injection with the same fuel mix during the same time period.

From the two images it is clearly visible that adding the ChlorOut additive prevents the deposits and corrosion products that otherwise appear on superheater tubes.

Operating experience

Jordbro (Sweden)

The plant is run on demolition wood. After four years of operation parts of the superheater were replaced because of corrosion, which was measured as 0.5 mm per year. After the ChlorOut system was introduced the corrosion was reduced to 0.2 mm per year.

Metall, vier Jahre ohne Additive

Four years – no additive. Corrosion rate 0.5 mm/y

Metal, four years without additives

Four years with ChlorOut. Corrosion rate 0.2 mm/y

Ingelheim (Germany)

Implementation of ChlorOut has greatly reduced superheater fouling and enabled an extension of the operation period between planned outages from 4 to 12 weeks. Furthermore, measurements of wall thickness and detailed examination of tubes and deposits have confirmed that superheater corrosion has been minimised.


Reference plants

Examples of plants in which ChlorOut and/or IACM is installed.

Plant Plant owner Type Fuel Size, MWth, fuel
Dangjin GS Electric Power and Services CFB PKS, wood chips, waste wood 275
Helsingborg Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB PF Virgin wood 185
Västerås Mälarenergi CFB Virgin wood, peat waste wood 170
Workington Iggesund Paperboard Ltd. BFB Virgin wood 148
Växjö Växjö Energi AB BFB Virgin wood 105
Munksund SCA CFB Waste wood, plastic reject 100
Idbäcken Vattenfall AB  BFB Waste wood 100
Donghae Korea East West Power CFB Waste wood 88
Kyröskoski Hämeenkyrön Voima Oy BFB Virgin wood, SRF, sludge, peat 80
Strongoli Biomasse Italia S.p.A. 2 x CFB Virgin wood, agricultural reject 2x75
Jordbro CHP Vattenfall AB BFB Waste wood 70
Ingelheim Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Grate Waste wood 65
Crotone Biomasse Crotone S.p.A. 2 x Grate Virgin wood, agricultural reject 2 x 48
Kassel Städtische Werke Energie + Wärme GmbH CFB Waste wood 38



Dr. Håkan Kassman
Technical Manager
Per Kallner

See also

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