Vattenfall signs major contracts for Kriegers Flak Offshore Wind Farm

Vattenfall enters into major contracts for the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak in Denmark.

This week Vattenfall has entered into five additional major contracts for construction of the offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak with Bladt Industries, EEW Special Pipe Construction, Van Oord Offshore, JDR Cable Systems and Global Marine.

The contracts with a total value of just under 300 mill. euro cover manufacturing and installation of monopile foundation, transition pieces and inter-array cables.

 “At Vattenfall we are working at enabling a fossil-free living within one generation and this is naturally also reflected in our investments. The signing of the additional major contracts for our Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm is an important part of these investments and will increase Vattenfall’s offshore wind capacity significantly”, says Michael Simmelsgaard, Head of Offshore Wind at Vattenfall and Country Manager in Denmark.

With a capacity of 604 MW, Kriegers Flak will become Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm with capacity to cover the annual electricity consumption of around 600.000 Danish households.

The contracts reflect the importance for Vattenfall of building a close and innovation-driven cooperation with our supply chain to reduce the cost of renewable energy.

“Kriegers Flak is at the forefront of our efforts to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy for the benefit of the electricity consumers. To deliver on this promise, we need to drive innovation in close cooperation with partners in our supply chain. With the award of the additional major contracts, we are partnering up with preferred and trusted companies in the industry, and we look forward to the cooperation”, says Michael Simmelsgaard.

Kriegers Flak, in the Baltic Sea, is to be in full operation before the end of 2021.

Signed contracts:

  • Monopile foundations: EEW Special Pipe Construction
  • Transition pieces: Bladt Industries
  • Installation of monopiles and transition pieces: Van Oord Offshore
  • Inter-array Cables: JDR Cable Systems
  • Installation of Inter-array cables: Global Marine.

For more information, contact:

Esben Baltzer Nielsen, Head of Public Affairs & Media Denmark, +45 2787 4974

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