
Be flexible.

The energy transition: why balance matters and how to keep it

To achieve the goals of the green transition, the EU’s energy system needs to be twice as flexible by 2030 as it was in 2023. Doable? Very much so! THE EDIT explains how this can be do...

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Hybrid technology boosts wind and solar

Increasingly weather-dependent electricity production makes grid operation more complex. A plant in Hjuleberg, Sweden, is using a solution based on new smart technology, combining wind power...

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Balancing the grid − Smart Charging can halve power peaks

With the high demand for electricity and the rapid growth of renewable energy, the power grid is becoming increasingly overloaded and unbalanced. With Smart Charging, Vattenfall InCharge off...

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Offshore wind turbine

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Graphical representation of a nuclear fusion

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Photo: Takver from Australia CC BY-SA 2.0

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