Supporting society

Understanding, balancing and responding to the varied and sometimes conflicting priorities of stakeholders is an important part of Vattenfall's responsibility.

Here you will find all articles on supporting society which were published in THE EDIT newsletter to date.

Forsmark lake

How a nuclear power plant helps a region thrive

In the former milling community of Forsmark on Sweden’s east coast, unemployment is low, and the economy is flourishing in a way that is perhaps unexpected outside Sweden’s major cities.

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Ray wind farm, located in Northumberland in north-east England

Wind farm neighbours are more positive to wind power

Are all people opposed to living near wind farms? Well, when asked, it turned out that those who lived closer to turbines have a more favourable view of wind power than people living further...

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Peacock butterfly found during field studies of Vattenfall’s power line corridors.

250 kilometres of biodiversity hotspots

Energy transition, biodiversity and responsible use of land - to some people inherent contradictions, but in Vattenfall’s power line corridors they have been extensively reconciled.

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THE EDIT is Vattenfall's new monthly newsletter. Each issue highlights a new burning issue from the world of sustainable energy and fossil freedom.

Offshore wind turbine

More THE EDIT topics

Girl on beach looking into camera

THE EDIT articles related to the topic net zero.

THE EDIT articles related to the topic of biodiversity.

Battery storage

THE EDIT articles related to the topic energy storage.