Vattenfall’s CEO Magnus Hall

Magnus Hall elected Vice President of Eurelectric

Magnus Hall, Vattenfall’s President and CEO, has been elected Vice President of Eurelectric, the European association of the electricity industry.

Eurelectric is an industry organisation which represents the common interests of the electricity industry throughout Europe as well as vis-à-vis the EU’s institutions. Its mission is to contribute to the development of the industry and promote the role of electricity in society.

On Monday 19 June, Magnus Hall was elected for a two-year term as Vice President of the organisation.

Why did you accept this assignment?

“The electricity industry is undergoing rapid transformation, and there are numerous future issues that have to be addressed and resolved jointly. Politics is important for the energy companies, as it very much sets the rules of the game that are to apply to our operations. I see the chance to be involved and promote developments as a good opportunity for Vattenfall, as well as a recognition of our position as a key player on the electricity market,” says Magnus Hall.

Do you have the time to devote yourself to this task?

“These issues are tremendously important for our future, so it is almost my obligation to accept the job. As I was previously president of the corresponding organisation for the European paper industry, I know quite well what I am letting myself in for. I have good experience of how the political system works in Brussels and how these issues are addressed at EU level. I will have a team within Vattenfall – led by Helga Franse – who will support me in my new role.”

What future issue do you see as particularly important?

“If I have to choose one, it would have to be the opportunities opened up by increased electrification, as it offers solutions to several of the world’s climate problems. Electricity can replace many of the technologies that currently have a negative impact on the climate and the environment. This transition harmonises well with Vattenfall’s aim to promote “Power Climate Smarter Living”, and politics is needed to guide developments in the right direction.”


Eurelectric represents the electricity industry of 32 European countries via national sector organisations that speak for 3,500 power companies throughout Europe. Its head office is located in Brussels.

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