Magnus Hall new President of Eurelectric

Vattenfall’s CEO Magnus Hall has been appointed new President of Eurelectric for the next two years.  Eurelectric, the European industry association for the electricity sector, represents over 3,500 companies in more than 30 European countries in power generation, distribution and supply.

“Electrification is the key to changing Europe towards a fossil free future. My prime objective as President of Eurelectric is to continue the cooperation with decision makers and industry to increase the pace of electrification in the transport, heating and industrial sectors,” says Magnus Hall.

Eurelectric's overall objective is to achieve a carbon-neutral power sector well before 2050.

“Powered by carbon-neutral electricity, we can lead the transition in the energy industry and other sectors. This requires further investments in renewable electricity generation, as well as efficient electricity distribution. We also need to help citizens change towards a fossil free life,” says Magnus Hall.

“The conditions and starting points naturally differ in European countries and therefore we also need politicians within the EU to decide on frameworks and fair measures that create a broad social acceptance for the energy transition.”

The Presidency of Eurelectric extends over two year. During the past two years, Magnus Hall has been one of two vice Presidents. Patrick O’Doherty, CEO of the Irish energy company ESB, and Leonhard Birnbaum, Board member of the German energy company E.ON, were elected vice Presidents at Eurelectric’s Annual Meeting in Florence, Italy.

About Magnus Hall
Magnus Hall has been President and CEO of Vattenfall since 2014. He has previously been President and CEO of the forest industry group Holmen. Magnus Hall has an MSc in industrial engineering from Linköping Institute of Technology and has studied at Georgetown University on a Fulbright Scholarship. Magnus Hall is also chairman of the Swedish media group NTM.

About Eurelectric
Eurelectric is the sector association representing the interests of the European electricity industry at pan-European level. The organisation represents the power sector in over 30 countries, speaking for more than 3,500 companies in power generation, distribution and supply. The head office of Eurelectric is located in Brussels.

For further information:
Vattenfall Press Office +46 (0)8 739 5010,

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