Karin Lepasoon appointed Senior Vice President and Head of Communications

Karin Lepasoon has been appointed Senior Vice President and Head of Communications at Vattenfall. She thereby returns to the position she held until October 2020. Karin Lepasoon currently is Head of Group Communications and Marketing at SEB.

-    Not one day goes by without the climate crisis being part of the societal debate, as well as the important role of electrification as a solution. I have with great interest continued to follow the climate issue and feel that being part of the journey that Anna Borg and her team is now setting out on with Vattenfall – the next phase of Fossil Free Living within One Generation – is a chance you only get once in your lifetime. I have to take it, says Karin Lepasoon.

-    I am happy that Karin chooses to return to Vattenfall. She has played an important role in setting Vattenfall’s direction and it feels both natural and obvious that she has a place in our team also going forward. She will contribute greatly in our management team, says Anna Borg, President and CEO, Vattenfall.

Karin Lepasoon was Senior Vice President and Head of Communications at Vattenfall between 2016-2020 and has before that among other things been Director ESG, Communication and HR at Nordic Capital and Executive Vice President at Skanska. She will take on her position latest in November 2021.

For further information, please contact:
Vattenfall’s Press Office, telephone: +46 (0)8 739 50 10, email: press@vattenfall.com


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