Vattenfall is inaugurating its largest land-based wind farm – Blakliden Fäbodberget

On Monday May 23rd, Blakliden Fäbodberget – Vattenfall’s largest ever land-based wind farm with 84 turbines – will be inaugurated. Media are welcome to attend, either on site or via a live webcast.

Blakliden Fäbodberget, located in Lycksele and Åsele municipalities, began construction in 2018 and are now ready for operation. The farm, which is owned by Vattenfall along with Vestas and AIP Management, has a total output of 353 MW and will deliver fossil-free electricity to around 220,000 homes.

Vattenfall’s Head of Business Area Wind, Helene Biström, and Head of Sustainability, Annika Ramsköld, will be present at the inauguration. Representatives of Vestas, AIP Management, Åsele and Lycksele municipalities, as well as local entrepreneurs, will also be present.  

During the opening ceremony, there will also be opportunities for tours of the wind farm and interviews with Vattenfall’s representatives.

To take part, you need to register in person at

You can follow the inauguration via this link:

A detailed program for the opening ceremony and more information about Blakliden and Fäbodberget can be found here: Blakliden and Fäbodberget wind power projects – Vattenfall

Facts about Blakliden Fäbodberget

  • Blakliden Fäbodberget are situated in an area in the Åsele and Lycksele municipalities.
  • The wind farm consists of 84 wind turbines, each 180 meters high (including rotor blades).
  • The plant’s total capacity is 353 MW with an estimated annual production of 1.1 TWH.
  • Blakliden Fäbodberget are owned by Vattenfall along with Vestas and AIP Management. Vattenfall’s ownership share is 30 percent.

For more information, contact:

Johan Sennerö, Press Officer +46 (0)760 46 40 45

Vattenfall Press Office, +46 (0)8 739 50 10, e-mail:


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