Press invitation to Vattenfall’s Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Vattenfall AB will take place on Wednesday 26 April at CEST 09.30 at Vattenfall’s Head office, Evenemangsgatan 13 in Solna. The AGM will also be broadcasted live on the web at

Journalists wishing to attend must register in advance via Vattenfall's Press Office at

On the day of AGM the registration will open at CEST 08.00 and the doors will close at CEST 09.00. The confirmation of the attendance and a relevant ID is required.

The AGM is held in Swedish and will be broadcast live online. A recorded version will be published later during the day at

In order to listen in to the Annual General Meeting, use the following numbers and identification code:

Sweden: +46 8 505 218 52

UK: +44 20 3321 5273

ID: 212 355 355#

In order to ask questions via the web: Vattenfall AGM 2023

Further details regarding the AGM and Vattenfall's corporate governance can be found at

For further information, please contact:

Vattenfall's Press Office, phone +46 8 739 50 10

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