Rasmus Helveg Petersen appointed new Head of Communications Denmark

Vattenfall has appointed Rasmus Helveg Petersen as Head of Communications Denmark. Rasmus was the Danish minister for Climate and Energy, and a former chairman of the Climate Committee in the Danish Parliament. He is a journalist by profession and has written for Danish newspapers. He is also former head of communications at WWF Denmark.

“We are very happy to have Rasmus on board”, says Oskar Ahnfelt, vice president of Public and Regulatory Affairs in Vattenfall. “In Rasmus, we have found a very knowledgeable colleague with a big heart for the future expansion of green energies, not least offshore wind in the Baltic and North Sea. Vattenfall’s ambitions to enable fossil freedom is fully shared by Rasmus, and he will be a great asset in our future projects in Denmark.”

“I am thrilled to be joining the Vattenfall family”, says Rasmus Helveg Petersen. “In politics, I fought for fossil free power generation. Vattenfall is delivering green energy on a scale that matches the challenges of climate change. I am very impressed with Vattenfall’s ambition and capability, and I will do all I can to make Vattenfall’s visions come true.”

Rasmus Helveg Petersen will be responsible for Vattenfall’s external engagement strategies in Denmark, he will engage with Danish media, and he will represent Vattenfall in relevant bodies.

For further information, please contact:
Vattenfall Media Relations, +46 8 739 50 10, press@vattenfall.com

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