2020 | 27 % |
2021 | 30 % |
2022 | 30 % |
2023 | 32 % |
2024 | 34 % |
% female managers.
Vattenfall’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy is founded on the following three pillars:
1. Diversity, equity and inclusion in everything we do
By working according to our principles: Open, Active, Positive and Safety we will be more diverse and inclusive. Embedded in our culture, reflected in our processes and reinforced by our Code of conduct for employees, suppliers and partners - diversity and inclusion is integral to how we do things.
Our initiatives include training and events to build awareness; e-learnings and group workshops to sustain behavioural change; evaluation and development of our recruitment and HR processes, business planning implementation, benchmarking and accreditation.
Read about examples and more under Awareness and learning and Partners and focus areas.
2. Think broadly and drive all dimensions of diversity
Vattenfall has a history of working to create greater gender diversity with the number of female employees and managers having grown steadily over the years. However, diversity is multi-faceted and encompasses much more than gender. We strive in our efforts to think broadly and promote all dimensions of diversity.
Measuring gender has helped us understand where in the organisation we need to better promote gender diversity, as well as what is needed to attract and retain women. Measuring helps us set targets and know when we’re successful.
Just as measuring gender helps us drive gender diversity, so would measuring other dimensions help broaden our scope.
Read about examples and more under Awareness and learning and Partners and focus areas.
3. Everyone is included in driving diversity, equity and inclusion, our managers lead the way
Each and every one of us has a role to play and can make a difference. At Vattenfall we believe that it is our managers who lead the way.
Our work is led by a dedicated DEI officer, on a two-year rotation among members of the Executive Group Management (EGM), in addition to their existing role. While all members of the EGM drive DEI, this appointment allows our top executives the opportunity to deep dive into the work, taking responsibility for the direction and focus as well as representing Vattenfall internally and externally in DEI matters.
Our business areas conduct annual DEI status analyses which form the basis of their DEI action plans. Included in the annual business plan the status of DEI is reported quarterly.
Tools are available to support managers in leading the work towards greater diversity and inclusion and their commitment is measured in the annual employee engagement survey.
Diverse Energy Networks in each country are made up of engaged employees dedicated to driving DEI. They organise a variety of events and drive change in line with the strategy and according to local needs and interests. Employees also participate in regular training and have various forums for giving feedback and contributing to the advancement of DEI in Vattenfall.
Measuring helps us set targets and know when we’re successful.
Vattenfall’s overall DEI maturity is measured according to the GDEIB; a systemic and structural approach to understanding what success looks like, based on 15 categories. It outlines how to create long term positive outcomes, implementing DEI systemically and showing improved result.
Used throughout the organisation this holistic, global framework helps identify gaps, guide our strategic action planning and measure our progress.
The Workplace Pride Benchmark gives organisations an annual, individual, custom-made overview of their LGBTIQ+ policies and practices. Based on the results specific measures are proposed on how to improve LGBTIQ+ policies and activities to better support LGBTIQ+ employees.
Vattenfall group participated for the first time in 2021 receiving an overall rating slightly above the median of 45 participating organisations. Clear strengths included Vattenfall’s employee networks with areas of improvement being the need for better support for employees coming out, better inclusion of rainbow families and strengthening allyship.
Vattenfall has two groupwide measures of progress.
Female manager hires
2020 | 27 % |
2021 | 30 % |
2022 | 30 % |
2023 | 32 % |
2024 | 34 % |
% female managers.
This target on the percentage of new hires who are women is a scorecard Key Performance Indicator (KPI) which is measured quarterly.
The active target has resulted in the overall number of female managers growing steadily over the years with a spin off effect of increasing the total number of female employees.
My Opinion Employee Survey – DEI Index
2022 | 84 % |
2023 | 88 % |
2024 | 89 % |
% of Vattenfall employees who believe management is driving DEI.
Our annual employee engagement survey My Opinion includes specific questions on diversity, equity and inclusion, providing employees with an anonymous platform to share their thoughts.
Introduced in 2020 as part of the My Opinion survey, the DEI Index measures the extent to which employees believe their managers are actively promoting diversity, equity and inclusion.
Leading with head and heart, we from the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion office are making sure DEI is part of everything that we do at Vattenfall, embedding it into all systems and processes. We will think more broadly in order to include everyone and all dimensions of diversity. Apart from making employees feel valued and safe at work, including diverse perspectives unleashes innovative potential, which results in better business decisions. This is our shared future, and we are determined to deliver that reality for all of our people.
Diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental to our success.
Read about our partners and our five focus areas.
We use many different forms of learning to become more diverse and inclusive.