Clashindarroch II Wind Farm Proposal

Wildcats at Clashindarroch

The presence of the Scottish Wildcat at the site is something that has been considered and examined thoroughly as we have prepared our plans for the Clashindarroch II Wind Farm proposal.

We design our wind farms very carefully, not just to reduce carbon emissions but also to help protect wildlife and nature.  

Wildcats at Clashindarroch Forest

Wildcats at Clashindarroch Forest

Species Protection Plan

Many plants and animals in the UK are legally protected. At Clashindarroch, we have identified and monitored the presence of badgers, bats, otters, pine martens, red squirrels, and Scottish wildcats/wildcat hybrids. The protection measures are required by law and vary from species to species. Find out more and view the Species Protection Plan here.

Habitat Management Plan for Wildcat

An outline Habitat Management Plan (HMP) for wildcat has been developed, in consultation with key stakeholders. The HMP would include measures to improve habitat connectivity for wildcat between Clashindarroch Forest and large woodland blocks within the wider Strathbogie Wildcat Priority Area.

There are also measures to protect and enhance important wildcat habitats within Clashindarroch Forest, to ensure that there is no loss of shelter and denning opportunities as a result of the construction of the wind farm. 

You can find more details by following the links below to the relevant parts of the submitted Environmental Impact Assessment Report:

Chapter 9 – Ecology Chapter

Appendix 9.2 Protected Mammal Survey Results

Appendix 9.5 Habitat Management Plan

Wildcat conservation measures

Vattenfall is also committed to supporting wildcat conservation measures within Strathbogie though the funding of a fulltime Wildcat Project Officer and financial support for SWA’s ‘trap, neuter, vaccinated and release’ programme for feral and hybrid cats to help tackle the effects of introgressive hybridisation on the wildcat population. 

See also

Clashindarroch Wind Farm, Aberdeenshire

Clashindarroch is an operational onshore wind farm in Aberdeenshire.

Image of Ray wind farm, areal photo showing wind turbines in a green lanscape.

A proposed onshore wind farm development in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

EOWDC Scientific Research

At our wind farms a year round programme of environmental monitoring takes place.