Contact us

Please use the below contact information to get in touch with us at Vattenfall.


Vattenfall AB
SE-169 92 Stockholm, Sweden

Visiting address: Evenemangsgatan 13, Solna, Sweden
Delivery address: Evenemangsgatan 13 C, SE-169 79 Solna, Sweden
Show location on map

Telephone: +46 8 739 50 00
Fax: +46 8 17 85 06

Vattenfall's headquarters

Vattenfall's headquarters are located in Solna.

Vattenfall European Affairs

Rue de la Loi, 223
B-1040 Brussels

Aerial view Brussels

The office of Vattenfall European Affairs is in Brussels.

Vattenfall Denmark

Vattenfall A/S
Jupitervej 6, 2. sal
6000 Kolding

+45 88 27 50 00
Contact Vattenfall in Denmark

Wind turbine at Horns Rev wind farm

Horns Rev 3 in Denmark.

Vattenfall Finland

Vattenfall Oy
Konepajankuja 3 B
FI-00510 Helsinki

+358 20 710 2000
Corporate contact in Finland
Customer contact in Finland

Hietama hydro power plant in Finland

Hietama power station in Finland.

Vattenfall France

Vattenfall Energies S.A.
6, avenue de Bruxelles
Les Terrasses des Collines
Parc des Collines II
68350 Didenheim, France

+33 3 89 38 34 00

Contact Vattenfall in France

Vattenfall Logo

Our French office is located in Didenheim.

Vattenfall Germany

Vattenfall GmbH
Hildegard-Knef-Platz 2
DE-10829 Berlin

Corporate contact in Germany
Customer contact in Germany

Vattenfall's German head office in Berlin

Our main German office is located in Berlin.

Vattenfall Netherlands

Vattenfall NV
Hoekenrode 8
NL - 1102 BR Amsterdam
+31 26 845 02 71

Contact Vattenfall in the Netherlands

Interior of Vattenfall's office in the Netherlands

Vattenfall's Amsterdam office.

Vattenfall Norway

Vattenfall AB Norge
Karenslyst allé 49
0279 Oslo

Contact Vattenfall in Norway

 Vattenfall AB Filial Norge NUF,  Karenslyst allé 49, 2. etg

Vattenfall Norway offers solutions for industries.

Vattenfall Poland

Vattenfall IT Services Poland Sp. z o.o.
ul. Gruszczyńskiego 2-4
44-100 Gliwice

+48 32 446 35 00
Contact Vattenfall in Poland

Vattenfall's office in Gliwice, Poland

Our office in Gliwice in southern Poland.

Vattenfall Sweden

Vattenfall AB
Evenemangsgatan 13
SE-169 79 Solna

+46 8 739 50 00
Corporate contact in Sweden
Customer contact in Sweden

Interior view of the Vattenfall main building in Solna

Interior view of Vattenfall's headquarters.

Vattenfall UK

Vattenfall UK
5th Floor
70 St Mary Axe
London EC3A 8BE
United Kingdom

Contact Vattenfall in the United Kingdom

Vattenfall's office at St Mary Axe in London.  Image credit: James Reid

Vattenfall's office at St Mary Axe in London.

See also

Close-up of hands holding a mobile phone

Journalists requiring additional information are welcome to contact our press office.

Johan Sahlqvist, Head of Group Control & Investor Relations

Contact details for the main investor relations representatives at Vattenfall.

Closeup of hands typing on a computer keyboard

Whistleblowing allows stakeholders to report irregularities at Vattenfall.