Nuclear power

Vattenfall’s SMR feasibility study at Ringhals – “Nucelerate West”

Vattenfall is predicting a doubling of the need for electricity by 2045. A historically unique new expansion of fossil-free electricity generation and distribution networks is required to meet this demand with the least possible climate impact. To achieve this, Vattenfall estimates that all available fossil-free energy sources may need to be expanded.

In June 2022, we started a feasibility study to assess whether the commercial, legal and technical conditions are in place to build at least two SMRs at Ringhals on the Värö peninsula. If the conditions are met, the aim is to start commercial operation of new nuclear power in the first half of the 2030s. To achieve this, Vattenfall will have to carry out preparatory work as early as autumn 2023. This includes ensuring that we have access to the land – most of which is already owned by Vattenfall – to carry out groundworks, build roads and other logistics. We are also making an inventory of natural and cultural values and have developed a dialogue with suppliers.

The feasibility study is completed and the conclusions are presented here:
Vattenfall presents the next step for new nuclear power (in Swedish, with a link to a presentation in English)

Preparatory work and analyses to enable new nuclear power on the Värö peninsula continue and will be ongoing for some time.


Read more about SMRs at Ringhals in this presentation.

Why SMRs?

Vattenfall believes that SMRs can be a vital part of the puzzle for future fossil-free, innovative energy systems in Sweden. We believe that SMRs can entail fewer project risks compared to large-scale reactors – not only with regard to costs, but also complexity and time. This builds on the fact that as light-water reactors, SMRs are a well-known technology and that many of the reactor components are standardised and type approved.

Why Ringhals?

Ringhals is an ideal location for building nuclear power. Southern Sweden has a great need for electricity generation and Ringhals already has nuclear power plants in operation, grid connection availability and solid experience of operating light-water reactors. The Ringhals area is also of national interest for energy generation and is the one location where new reactors can be made operational most quickly.

How are SMRs constructed?

The idea of light-water SMRs is that they are constructed with a focus on modularity, scalability and simplicity from the start. Many of the components can be standardised and manufactured in factories, making on-site construction easier and faster.

SMR feasibility study timeline

See also

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We have decided to make the biggest leap yet to reduce the impact of climate change.

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