The auditors are elected for a mandate period of one year.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting re-elected PricewaterhouseCoopers AB (PwC) as auditor. Authorised Public Accountant Eva Carlsvi is the auditor-in-charge. PwC and Eva Carlsvi have held these positions since the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
The auditor’s audit assignment includes a review of the annual report, the consolidated accounts, the corporate governance report, the sustainability reporting and compliance with the guidelines for remuneration of senior executives. In addition, the auditor performs a review of the half-year interim report.
The Swedish state’s ownership policy states that the owner is responsible for the election of auditors and that the auditors are to be appointed by the Annual General Meeting. Proposals for election of auditors and for auditors’ fees are submitted by the Board and drafted by the company. The auditors are elected for a mandate period of one year, in accordance with the main rule in the Swedish Companies Act. Vattenfall’s Articles of Association stipulate that the company shall have one or two auditors with or without one or two deputy auditors, or a chartered auditing firm as auditor.
Swedish state's ownership policy

Auditing costs
The Group's auditing costs are described in more detail in the Annual and sustainability report.
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