Supplier registration in the Vattenfall Supplier Bank
Vattenfall evaluates and keeps track of suppliers information through our supplier registration system, the Vattenfall Supplier Bank (VSB).
We use VSB in order to have updated information on our suppliers and to monitor how suppliers fulfil certain requirements applicable to Vattenfall, such as Health & Safety and Sustainability.
VSB is administered by our service provider Achilles and consists of different registration levels:
- Member: Supplier must answer basic questionnaire to register
- Silver: Supplier must answer a full questionnaire to qualify and documentation is optional
- Silver+: Supplier must answer a full questionnaire, but documentation is mandatory (i.e. suppliers claiming they are certified according to a quality standard must upload an ISO certificate or similar)
You can reach Achilles at:
Sweden +46 (0)8 444 17 00
Finland +358 (0)9 3296 1236
Denmark +45 46 74 02 78
Germany +49 211 540 137 20
What are the benefits of registering in Vattenfall Supplier Bank as a potential supplier?
Increase visibility, reduce costs and create opportunities
As the Achilles platform is a Joint Qualification System that is also used by other utilities in the Nordics and Central Europe, suppliers will become visible to a larger group of potential customers. Using a single qualification platform reduces the effort and costs for suppliers and might also create new tendering opportunities. In addition, Vattenfall's buyers are able to find qualified suppliers faster.
Comply with minimum requirements
Vattenfall requires its suppliers to meet certain minimum requirements. By only accepting suppliers that confirm these, we can ensure that we partner with competent, capable and reliable companies. One of the minimum requirements includes the completion of a Vattenfall-specific questionnaire provided within the VSB registration procedure.

Minimum requirements
Vattenfall suppliers should agree to the 10 principles in the UN Global Compact and follow our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners.
How do I register in Vattenfall Supplier Bank?
Member registration requires suppliers to provide basic information, such as product/service categories, area of sales and contact details. Suppliers can use the registration as VSB Member to become visible to Vattenfall purchasers.
Member registration is mandatory for all suppliers who take part in tendering contracts with estimated value ≥ 100K€ and all suppliers providing services related to MBL §38 in Sweden.Registration is free of charge for suppliers.
In order to register on Member level only, you must answer "No" to the question: "Does your company wish to qualify for business opportunities with leading utilities in Nordics and Central Europe that apply the detailed rules of the EU Utilities Directive?"
Silver and Silver+
In order to register for VSB Silver or Silver+ level, you must answer "Yes" to the question: "Does your company wish to qualify for business opportunities with leading utilities in Nordics and Central Europe that apply the detailed rules of the EU Utilities Directive?"
VSB Silver or Silver+ registration is mandatory for all suppliers from high risk countries, regardless of tender/contract value and for all suppliers participating in EU-tenders.
You can answer "Yes" or “No” to the question: "Is your company prepared to upload documents such as ISO certificates, insurance certificates and annual reports, when you complete the questionnaire?"
If you answer “Yes”, you will qualify as Silver+ and be required to complete a full questionnaire and upload certain documentation. If you answer “No”, you will qualify as Silver and upload of documentation is optional.
High risk countries

Vattenfall Supplier Bank
Visit the Vattenfall Supplier Bank to register or change your information.
Related information

We focus on environmental and social aspects throughout our supply chain.

Partnerships and collaborations offer great opportunities for positive impact.

Our suppliers are important stakeholders and vital to the success of our business.