Environmental responsibility


Biodiversity and nature protection are a priority at Vattenfall. It is one of the focus areas in our Environmental Policy and therefore also a central part in our environmental work. For us, biodiversity is a key issue for many new projects and operations, but we also invest heavily in long-term biodiversity research and we conduct many voluntary biodiversity projects to enhance local biodiversity values.

Our 2030 ambition – "Towards net positive impact"

By 2030, biodiversity enhancing measures are an integrated part of all activities with an impact on nature. Since climate change is one of the major threats to biodiversity, our investments in a fossil free future is a very important contribution to mitigate impacts, but we do much more to further safeguard biodiversity. By implementing a broad range of measures, both at existing sites and in new builds, we contribute to maintaining a health ecosystem and a living planet. We also work determinedly with our suppliers to address biodiversity impacts from upstream operations and we utilise forefront technologies to develop biodiversity management.

In order to work towards a Net Positive Impact, we have identified different targets and key activities for the next coming years. Some examples are:

Continue to be a leader in biodiversity research and development

Biodiversity research will remain critical for Vattenfall, particularly within wind- and hydropower. We will continue to prioritize the long-term biodiversity and evidence-based knowledge by dedicating annual budgets and sufficient R&D resources to reach our ambition. By 2025 we will have conducted at least three pilot projects using our knowledge in machine learning to do large scale biodiversity surveys.

Biodiversity management in power line corridors

By the end of 2025 we will have taken measures and implemented management plans in at least 70% in all the identified biodiversity hotspots.

Biodiversity enhancing measures at office premises

By 2025 we will promote biodiversity enhancing measures at all office premises.

How we work to protect nature and biodiversity

Biodiversity management and enhancement projects

Our efforts to protect biodiversity includes for example introducing biodiversity considerations early in projects and site planning, investing in biodiversity research and implementing a variety of different biodiversity projects.

We have a wide variety of projects linked to all energy sources as well as our premises. We are always looking for ways to meet biodiversity challenges and there are many examples of successfully implemented projects connected to all parts of Vattenfall’s activities.

Examples of ongoing projects         

Biodiversity in the distribution network
Power line corridors are important for maintaining a green infrastructure in the landscape, and the way they are managed affects several rare and endangered species. Regular clearing of the power line corridors can create and maintain open meadow-like areas that serve as important habitats for many threatened species.

Extensive mapping of the regional network has identified hotspots where biodiversity measures are being implemented. This work has now been extended to include stations in the power distribution network. The aim of these interventions is to implement biodiversity enhancing measures with a focus on pollinators, while reducing maintenance costs.

Research and development for downstream fish migration
In Älvkarleby we have “Laxeleratorn”, a unique, large-scale laboratory for hydro power related environmental and hydraulic experiments. Here we conduct different kinds of research projects, many focusing on innovations for downstream fish migration, such as bubble curtains and flexible nets to avoid turbine passage.

In addition to our many R&D projects an important part of our environmental work is to restore and provide natural habitats for different species. When Vattenfall sells electricity marked Good Environmental Choice, money is set aside to an environmental fund that has contribute to many restoration and conservation projects over the years.

Documenting seabird flight behaviour in an offshore wind farm
At the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) located in Aberdeen Bay, Scotland, a EUR 3 million research and monitoring programme has helped improve the knowledge base for planning and impact assessment of future offshore wind farms. This includes new insights into on the ability of seabirds to avoid collisions with offshore wind turbines. A new study, using forefront camera and AI-based technology, is now looking at the flight behaviour of seabirds in the immediate vicinity of turbine rotors.

The research programme was awarded in the Sustainable Development category at the Nature of Scotland Awards 2018, and the seabirds research in the Environment and Sustainability category at the Global Offshore Wind Awards 2023.

More about the projects

Read more about Vattenfall's biodiversity projects.

Children on a hill near Stockholm

Biodiversity focus within research and development

Vattenfall invest heavily in biodiversity research, mainly in the wind and hydro power areas, with the aim of increasing knowledge in order to better conduct our operations with the smallest possible impact. We are for example:

  • Developing an evidence-based modelling tool for assessment of the consequences of piling noise disturbance from wind farms on the harbour porpoise population
  • Programming smart self-learning algorithms to improve fish migration in watercourses
  • Using GPS tracking of golden eagles to better understand their activity and to improve impact assessment and siting of wind farms
  • Conducting several experiential trials in the test flume in our laboratory in Älvkarleby in order to find technical solutions that maximise both renewable energy production and biodiversity protection

Quantify and disclose biodiversity impacts and gains

Biodiversity is complex and it is important to have simple and robust ways to measure the habitats and species that support biodiversity. For Vattenfall this is crucial so we can ensure that our climate investments also support biodiversity in different ways, and we are actively investigating different tools and methods to measure biodiversity. Our goal is to establish a way of working where we can value both biodiversity impacts from new projects as well as contributions from biodiversity enhancing measures we do across the company, and hence, increasing our understanding of how we can contribute to net positive impact (NPI).

Here are some examples of initiatives that we are currently involved in:

Science Based Target for Nature (SBTN)
The SBT for Nature initiative is currently being developed and it builds on the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), where more than 1,000 of the world’s largest companies have committed to greenhouse gas emissions-reduction targets. To contribute to the development of tools to set measurable targets that are in line with the best available science and Earth’s limits, Vattenfall is participating in the Science Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program. As a step towards setting scienced based targets for nature we have assessed our biodiversity footprint assessment in a full value chain perspective using the Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) tool.
Read more about this in our Annual and sustainability report
Read more about Science Based Target for Nature
Read a summary of the Vattenfall biodiversity footprint assessment (PDF 1 MB)

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
A Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures will provide a framework for corporate and financial institutions to assess, manage and report on their dependencies and impacts on nature. The purpose is to guide investors when assessing nature-related risk so that the global financial flows away are redirected from nature-negative outcomes and towards nature-positive outcomes. Vattenfall is a member of the TNFD Forum, a global multi-disciplinary consultative group of companies and institutions.
Read more about Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

Changing Land use Impact on Biodiversity (CLImB)
To actively participate in the development of new methods and guidance in Sweden, Vattenfall is a part of the CLImB project. The aim of the project is to develop a tool that companies can use to credibly quantify and communicate both their negative and their positive impact on biodiversity when land is transformed or restored. Vattenfall is heading the steering committee and has co-financed the project together with LKAB, Boliden, Skellefteå Kraft, Svenska kraftnät, Cementa, Talga, Skanska, Specialfastigheter and SBMI. The tool was officially launched on 1 September 2023.
Read more about CLImB

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